Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of legal rules and principles by selecting and explaining relevant information and illustrating with examples and citation.

You may use the Microsoft Word Count function if you wish but please remember to make the permitted exclusions.
Blue Marking Card Scheme: An allowance for spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and
unclear sentence structure will be given if a blue card is submitted with your coursework,
simply writing that you are dyslexic on your coursework does not satisfy the University rules. Support is available at:
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of legal rules and principles by selecting and
explaining relevant information and illustrating with examples and citation.
Analyse legal material, issues and situations, and evaluate and apply the appropriate legal
rules and principles.

How do transnational capital flow shape planning practices and local development processes?

BPLN0013 Planning Practices in Europe

Preparatory notes to be filled by all students prior to all seminar session

Seminar topic: How do transnational capital flow shape planning practices and local development processes?

Texts read: Brett Christophers, 2013
Antoine Guironnet; Katia Attuyer; Ludovic Halbert, 2016
Büdenbender, Mirjam; Aalbers, Manuel B, 2019

What are the key arguments made by the authors in relation to the session theme?

In your view, what are the strengths and limits of the authors’ approaches/arguments?

How do the authors illustrate / corroborate / evidence their argument?

What is your overall conclusion in regards to the question posed?





Explain how accessible is the location to prospective clients?location and proximity to other uses

Auto Parts Project

You are a real estate developer and you have found the site attached for your client. Your client has an specific use of the site, and that’s to develop an Auto Parts Shop.

How accessible is the location to prospective clients?location and proximity to other uses.

You want to make sure that you explain to the client why is that site a great investment to develop his Auto Parts Shop.

Present relevant information such as, but not limited to, demographics, economic data, and other relevant variables you deem feasible for and justifying your process.

It MUST include cover/title, executive summary, table of content (with page numbers), introduction, background of the story, a short section of data used, section of major findings, and a conclusion.

Only use the attached documents

Discuss the benefits of VDC Virtual design and construction in the construction.

Discuss the benefits of VDC in construction

Write a 2-paragraph (minimum) original post (cite sources) responding to the following topic.

Discuss the benefits of VDC Virtual design and construction in the construction.

End your post with a question or statement that would assist your colleagues with providing a response post to your original post.

Provide support/justification for any opinions made and argue your position

Note,there is a difference between VDC and BIM “Building information modeling

How does demographics of the work force in an organisation impact on its ability to optimize workplace strategies to improve their underlying financial position?

Management of Real Estate – Opinion/theoretical analysis of Corporate Real Estate Workplace Strategy

How does the physical workplace align with a business strategy and corporate culture where organisations seek to increase productivity and revenue while minimizing costs and improving employee retention? Discuss.

Does an organisation need to make changes in their workspace and technology to the way people work? If so, why? If not, why not? * What are the values and skills that an organisation has in relation to their corporate workplace strategy?

How does demographics of the work force in an organisation impact on its ability to optimize workplace strategies to improve their underlying financial position? Discuss in depth.

What,if any, is the correlation between a productive workforce and increased revenue?

What may be employees’ reactions to the physical changes in the work environment?

What are the factors to develop a flexible workplace strategy that aligns with CRE strategies?

How does individual work styles, culture, management, participation, and communication play in managing and changing working behavior and aligning these with overall corporate strategies to improve the corporate real estate function in an organisation?

What, if any, is the impact of external changes beyond the organisation such as technological changes,competition,and consumer behaviour? Explain fully.

What analysis would an Investment Committee expect to see by way of underwriting in a typical investment committee paper to support an office investment?

Global Investment Committee

Explain the role and purpose of a Global Investment Committee in the investment process,and how they should ensure investment decisions are made appropriately.

What analysis would an Investment Committee expect to see by way of underwriting in a typical investment committee paper to support an office investment?

Explain how you will communicate with others (eg via a daily update), provide information about the job, coordinate your work with theirs and keep them updated of any changes

Construction Phase Plan

It may be useful to record the details of anybody else working on the job, including specialist companies and labourers.Explain how you will communicate with others (eg via a daily update), provide information about the job, coordinate your work with theirs and keep them updated of any changes, eg,to site rules;to health and safety information;what you will do if the plan or materials change or if there are any delays;who will be making the key decisions about how the work is to be done.

Demonstrate a critical evaluation of the concepts and key factors affecting sustainable design and development, environmental health and energy use in varied environments, consistent with legislative and regulatory frameworks.

Project Implementation Process

You must identify any aspects of this you believe will require particular attention and explain why. You are requested to prepare a maximum 3000 words written report to your organisation that must have a list of references to the relevant planning and other documents.

Learning Outcomes:Module learning outcomes addressed:

Critically appraise the values (social, economic and environmental) that are embedded in planning and urban design policy; and understand how to prepare coherent and integrated strategies that take the account of relevant institutional frameworks with credible means of implementation.Demonstrate a critical evaluation of the concepts and key factors affecting sustainable design and development, environmental health and energy use in varied environments, consistent with legislative and regulatory frameworks.


Identify the procedures for preparing vacant properties to rent and the average turn-around time to get the property leased.

Affordable Housing

You work for a real estate property management company that is interested in managing the affordable housing portfolio in your city. Provide a narrative, outline, and/or graph demonstrating your firm’s understanding and approach to accomplishing the tasks outlined in the following Scope of Work:

Your approach to execute, administer, and enforce the terms of all rental agreements, in compliance with federal, state and local laws.A detailed marketing plan that describes the methods of advertising and how the property management company will follow fair housing laws when marketing each property.

Identify the procedures for preparing vacant properties to rent and the average turn-around time to get the property leased.Describe the procedures for performing interior condition and house-keeping inspections for each one of the properties. Additionally, a schedule for monitoring each property annually is required.The procedures for collection of rents, security deposits and application fees.