Demonstrate understanding of the psychological and social impact of the development of pregnancy complications for women and families.

Midwifery care complex needs

Facetoface (on campus) formative assignment tutorials are planned for 20/01/2021; check you individual times and groups on Blackboard. Summative submission dates will be specified in the unit area on Blackboard.

Criteria for success:

Selection of appropriate case for analysis of midwifery care for a woman experiencing a hypertensive disorder.

Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the wider context of maternity care surrounding hypertensive disorders and the role of the midwife in minimising adverse outcomes.

Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of relevant midwifery assessments,identification of deviations from normal pregnancy parameters and timely and appropriate referral for a woman experiencing a hypertensive disorder.

Demonstrates understanding of safe and compassionate care delivery required for the woman and fetus.

Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the rationale for assessments and care delivery and is able to link to current evidence.

Demonstrates understanding of the psychological and social impact of the development of pregnancy complications for women and families.

Demonstrates understanding of professional values and behaviours applied to complex pregnancy.

Demonstrates ability to reflect on practice and identify personal learning needs