Describe the components of a preschool health supervision visit, including common concerns,key elements of health promotion,recommended screening,and immunizations.

Common Pediatric Illnesses

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of the case, the student should be able to:

Discuss the importance of identifying parent concerns in order to set priorities for a wellchild visit.
Describe the components of a preschool health supervision visit, including common concerns,key elements of health promotion,recommended screening,and immunizations.
Demonstrate ability to measure and assess growth, including height/length, weight, and body mass index using standard growth charts.

List normal developmental milestones at 3, 4, and 5 years of age.
Identify eczema and discuss principles of management.
Describe key elements of the physical exam for a wellchild visit in early childhood, including tests to identify strabismus.
Discuss strategies for modifying the elements of the wellchild visit to match the childs level of comfort and cooperation.

List common causes of injury in early childhood.
Discuss ageappropriate anticipatory guidance about safety in preschoolers, including recommendations for addressing firearms
in the home.
Summarize risk factors and screening for tuberculosis, lead poisoning, anemia.

List potential causes of anemia in a preschool aged child.
Outline an approach to the assessment of anemia in children
Describe an initial approach to the management of suspected iron deficiency anemia.

List common dietary issues in early childhood.
Discuss strategies for counseling parents on making dietary changes in preschoolers.