Describe your emotional reactions to the event,what were you feeling both before and after the event,what emotions might others be feeling?


Step 1: Describe the experience:What happened, who was there, where did the event occur, what did you do, what did other’s do? What impact might your values, beliefs, assumptions and biases have had on the situation? What were the possible consequences of your actions or inactions? Create a mental picture of the issue for the marker.

Step 2: Describe your emotional reactions to the event,what were you feeling both before and after the event,what emotions might others be feeling?Did these reactions trigger a change in your perspective of the event?

Step 3: Bringing the theory and the experience together. Analyse the experience of the dilemma using Bioethical theories or principles, the NMBA decision making framework (2020), the ICN code of conduct (2012), the ethical decision-making framework from Chapter 2 of the Text, and other relevant supporting literature. Use current information applicable to the Australian context.

Step 4: Where to from here? Lessons for future nursing practice

What have you learnt? How will you use the insights gained from this experience?

If the same thing happened again, what would you do differently. Be specific.

What specific steps can you take to build on your knowledge and skills?