Explain to Liz and her family two psychological impacts,regarding her health condition that may impact on her daily living activities.

Liz lives at home with her husband Marcus. They have two adult children that do not live close.
She had been treated for breast cancer 5 years ago. Her treatment consisted of radiation and chemotherapy and she has not required any further treatment.

At present she is not taking any regular medication only paracetamol for her headaches.

Approx.50 words.

Identify and discuss two (2) ‘actual’ health problems that you would share with the Registered Nurse and other members of the Health Care Team.

Discuss the pathophysiology of this condition and its clinical manifestations.

Research and Reference

Approx.50 words.

In relation to the list below, explain to Liz and her family two (2) potential physical impacts, regarding each of her acute health problems

Explain to Liz and her family two psychological impacts,regarding her health condition that may impact on her daily living activities.