Has the use of the word bitch changed in the modern era? How do you interpret the word bitch when used to represent females in any context?

The Word Bitch
What is the origin of the word bitch? You should answer this question as part of your narration this is an historical context that you get to build before you start open discussion
When was the word bitch first used offensively in history? Individual people will not know the answer to this question this is a historical one and you should create contacts for i thru research. unless one of the people you are talking to is a linguist.
Do symbolic words like bitch matter? The word bitch is not symbolic. Even though it can be used in a symbolic context. it
Has the use of the word bitch changed in the modern era?
How do you interpret the word bitch when used to represent females in any context?
Does your interpretation of the word bitch change in different contexts?
How is the word bitch used in media? Research not an opinion
Why is the word bitch mainly used on African American women? First prove that it is
Does the word bitch demean women?