Integrate communication modalities which convey cultural humility,value the diverse nature of individuals,and cultivate healthful work environments.

Leadership Style and Change Advocacy Statement
The purpose of this assignment is to synthesize insights gained through learning activities and personal reflection in order to create a personal leadership style and change advocacy statement. Students will record a video of themselves presenting their individual leadership style and change advocacy statement. Students will conclude by noting how the selected leadership style can facilitate the change process. A concise summary paper is included.

Course Outcomes

Through this assignment, the student will address the following Course Outcomes:

Discern leadership approaches that facilitate achievement of health outcomes through interprofessional collaborative practice within micro-,meso-,and macro-level systems.

Integrate communication modalities which convey cultural humility,value the diverse nature of individuals,and cultivate healthful work environments.

Apply change and leadership theories to plan sustainable, evidence-based quality improvement within an atmosphere which supports care for self and others.